Voicer v1.0.0 – Text toSpeech Plugin for WordPress Free Download

Voiсerv1.0.0 is a WordPress Plugin designedtoconvertstextinto human-likespeech. The Plugin uses thelatesttechnology of machine learning and artificial intelligencetoplay a high-quality human voice. The basis of the Plugin isthe Google Cloud Platform, whichensuresthereliability and speed of the Plugin anywhere in theworld. You can alsodownload Ultimate Reviewer WordPress Plugin v1.4.3 Free Download
Features of Voiсerv1.0.0
- 30+ LanguagesIncludes
- More than 200 human-likevoices
- Works wellwithall WordPress Themes
- Perfectfor RTL direction
- NativeValid JavaScript, without jQuery
- Tested and Compatible up toWordpress 5++
- Lightweight and Fast
- Poweredby Google Cloud Platform
- Compatible withall Modern Browsers
- Includes exclusive accesstoWaveNettechnology
- Compatible withWooCommerce
- Allmajor browsers supported Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera
- Easy to use and customize
- InstallationGuide
- DetailedUsers Manual
- HugeCustomizationCapabilities
- SixmonthsIncludedSupportforCodeCanyonbuyers
- Gutenberg Ready