
Search Plus v1.2 – Advanced Search Engine Plugin Free Download

Search Plus v1.2 is a unique advanced search engine plugin which comes with user friendly rules, templates, support for filtering categories, authors, date, tags and many other features one can may find useful in a WP based search engine. You can also download iMedia – Media Manager Plugin for iBilling Free Download

Features of Search Plus v1.2

  • Did You Mean – Feature You can set a rule to redirect user to another keyword group. Test “taylro” in the demo.
  • Search Redirection Redirect any keyword to another keyword group.
  • Featured PostsYou can set initial featured posts for any keyword group
  • Inform You can also inform your visitors for any given keyword
  • You can set styles for parts of the plugin
  • You can translate whole plugin content
  • You can set restricted posts for search query


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