JCH Optimize 2.0.7 Free Download Update Version

Speed up your WordPress site instantly with JCH Optimize! This plugin provides all the front end optimisations you need to optimise your website download speed. The core feature is to automatically combine CSS and javascript files to reduce the number of HTTP requests made by the browser to download your web page. The combined CSS and javascript files can be further JCH optimised by minifying and compressing the file with gzip. Also, the HTML output can be minified for optimised download. These optimisations will reduce server load, bandwidth requirements, and page loading times. You can also download iMacros 10.0.2 Enterprise New Activated Version
Major Features:
- Page Cache
- Join and minify Javascript and CSS documents ‘
- HTML minification.
- GZip pack the joined documents.
- Produce sprite to consolidate foundation pictures.
- Capacity to reject documents from joining to determine clashes